Thursday, December 16, 2010

if you have my short story and need to talk to me, you can contact me at

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My favorite photo so far is this one. It is not as though this is a well taken photo nor does it have anything eye catching about it, however, it is in my opinion the most amusing. Nothing is forced and nothing is staged, it was caught by the camera almost as the spare of the moment thing. Also perhaps its because i know personally all the people that are present in the photo that makes it all the more worthwhile. Because i know how they are like, the personalities of the five people present in the shot that i can't help but to be amused that this photo captured their individual qualities so well. Some times, it s not much about getting the best shot or the most artistic shot, it is about just capturing a moment to remember.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Models: Constance Tsui, Stephanie Yan
Location: South Pasadena
Date: October 4, 2010